New print-quality control solution by DeCoSystem
A new product has been added to the quality control systems family Sentinel. Quality control systems are deservedly popular with narrow-web printers, now the new model is a true value-for-money winning product. It can be a great solution for reel to reel presses where no extreme high resolution or speed is required, still 100% print control can be achieved with a lower cost investment. Like always, DeCoSystem’s software is without compromise, thus sets the system apart from competing similar products.
Sentinel Palladium is available in 350mm, 450mm, 530mm width, main parameters are:
- Linescan camera 2048 dual line 25KHz
- 150-250m/min speed
- 0,2mm2 minimum detectable defect
- synchronization by encoder device
- illumination with LED
- operating by touch screen interface