The BEHN + BATES big bag filling technology
In the logistics chain big bags are a cost-effective alternative to conventional bags. They are available in different designs, e. g. with internal stiffening for better stability. But what all of them have in common is they must allow quick and clean processing – goals that can be easily reached with our big bag filling station.
For the smooth processing of your big bags we offer different machine variants allowing to fill powders & flours as reliably as grains & granules. Furthermore our delivery programme includes a large variety of accessories, e. g. automatic pallet separator, cover sheet dispenser or full pallet transport systems. You specify the degree of automation - we supply you with the equipment you need.
Operator convenience
The rear fixing hooks for the big bag loops can be slewed towards the front thus being easily reached by your operating staff. All 4 hooks open automatically after the filling process.
For clean product filling the big bag is sealed by an inflatable sleeve with counter pressure ring.
Stable bags
Product dosing and densification are decisive factors for stable big bags. We use vibrating tables to compact your product. Highly fluidised products can be additionally de-aerated by vacuum probes during or after filling.
Tight bag closure
For optimum product protection against outside influences the filled big bag can be closed by turning the filling spout – our so-called tulip forming. On request, this process can also be carried out automatically.
Cleanroom filling
Special requirements apply for the filling of big bags under cleanroom conditions. In order to assure that no forbidden materials such as wooden pallets get into the cleanroom we have developed a special shuttle system. After filling it takes over the big bag, transports it out of the cleanroom and puts it onto a pallet for further processing – and all this to comply with the required hygiene standards.
For trouble-free big bag processing right from the beginning up to the end we offer you a large selection of additional components, e. g. automatic pallet separator, cover sheet dispenser or full pallet transport systems. You specify the degree of automation – we supply you with the equipment you need.
How BigBag filling station works: